Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

BIRT! Column! Width! Must! Be! Set!

Alright, just to show you how ugly it may look in Excel (I have the 2010 version installed) if a BIRT report does not have the width property set for the column:
Ugly ugly ugly ugly (actually, the first two are alright, they DO have the width set to 40 mm).

It's but a simple change, but the difference is subtle:

Oh, by the way, I tried out the Tribix XLS emitter for BIRT. It actually worked, but I decided to remove it because it created bad looking XLS files.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Two hours @ Klánovice station

ZSSK 350 019-6

CD 471 042-2

CD 971 042-7 ;-)

CD 471 009-1

CD 362 161-2

ZSSK 350 015-4

CD 362 112-5

CD 682 001-3

CD 150 222-8

CD 971 069-0

CD 380 005-9

:-( Two Vectrons behind, my bad, could not get a good shot.

CD Cargo 130 037-5

CD 971 009-6

ÖBB 1216 210

CD 150 224-4

CD Cargo 163 003-7

CD 363 040-7

CD 362 021-8

ÖBB 1216 226

CD 380 012-5